Custom artwork and designs
Welcome! I specialize in traditional artwork media, and would love to bring your characters and ideas to life! All artwork is real, and originals can be sent to you for you to enjoy in real life!I love to draw stylized portraits, and can draw in multiple different styles. D&D character art is my passion, as well as original character art and a few fanart subjects. I upload art all the time as I find it.Send me a message on any of the above links to get started!
_______________________________________________Pricing - sketch/ink/colorhumans/humanoids/animals
Head/bust - $10/$20/$30+
Waist-up - $20/$35/$50+
Full Body - $40/$60/$90+Portraits
starts at $100, depending on detail desiredlandscapes/nonhuman
simple: $10
complex: $20-40+